6/20/2022 HIIT Workout

Today’s Workout

1. Groiners

Prepare your body in a pushup position. Hands on the floor directly under your shoulders and toes firmly planted into the ground. Keep your body in line with hips not drooping nor raised high. Gaze softly at the floor. Exhale as you jump your feet up towards your hands, to a crouching position, still on all fours. Inhale and jump your feet back to pushup-position. Repeat.

2. Jump Squat

With feet hip-width apart, inhale, bend your knees as you extend your hips backwards, as if into a sitting position. Bring your hands together in front of your chest as you do so. Load your weight into your heels and balls of the feet. Exhale, launch yourself straight up, and extend your arms down and out as you air. Land with knees slightly bent. Repeat.

3. Jumping Push-up


4. Long Jump

With feet hip-width apart, bend your knees as you extend your hips backwards, as if into a sitting position. Bring your hands together in front of your chest as you inhale. Load your weight into your heels and balls of the feet. Exhale, launch yourself up and forward. Extend your arms down and back as you air. Land with knees slightly bent. Repeat.

5. Pull Up

Grasp pull up bar, hands shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing away from you. Breathe out as you pull yourself up, stopping as your nose reaches just above the bar. Hold in this position for a moment. Breathe out as you let your body drop back down. Engage your core throughout the exercise to prevent swinging.

6. Reverse Burpee

Stand up straight with a mat or comfy grass behind you. Inhale as you bend your knees to a crouching position and roll back onto your back. Roll until your upper back and shoulders are all that’s contacting the ground. Exhale as you transfer the weight from your upper back to your hips and then onto your feet. Stand up from this position and jump into the air. Repeat.

7. Bird Dog

Kneel on the floor, and fold forward so that your hands are on the ground directly below your shoulders. Gaze softly down. Exhale as you extend your right leg and left arm off the floor. Once your arm and leg are in line with your back, hold for a moment before returning them to beginning position. Repeat with your left leg and right arm.

[ tags automated workout 6/20/2022, workout schedule 6/20/2022, zapier workout 6/20/2022, automated home gym 6/20/2022, Jumping Push-up,Pull Up,Jump Squat,Bird Dog,Groiners,NA,Long Jump,Reverse Burpee,None, Pull Up Bar, None, None, None, None, None]

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